Frankie Burton

Frankie is an authentic and compassionate leader driven by a lifelong commitment to learn and practice decolonization and intersectional antiracism. These values drew them to the House of Brava. They are a mezzo alto singer who sang in an a cappella choir for 12 years. They are working on a solo piece with Cat Call Choir to tell their story as a survivor through song and dance. They are also ecstatic to begin learning drag!

They have 16 years of experience strategizing, designing, co-facilitating, and implementing community/public engagement and communications processes, programs, and projects. They are the Owner and Principal Consultant of their freelance practice, integrating decolonial and intersectional antiracism values with lived and professional experience. They also love: animals, nature, biking, swimming, dancing, theater, art, drawing, clothing, tarot, astrology (cancer feels, y'all!), and growing plants!

They joined the Brava board in 2019, with a love for Brava's ability to bridge community engagement and performing arts to create something truly unique. They have served as Co-Chair and Secretary and are pleased to continue to help Brava "...cultivat[e] the artistic expression of women, LGBTQIA, people of color, youth, and other underrepresented voices" as an at-large board member.